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Central School Attendance and Welfare Service Ltd (CSAWS) is an Independent Education Welfare Service offering schools and settings guidance, advice and direct work in raising whole school attendance and improving outcomes for pupils and their families across the Midlands area. CSAWS believe in the child’s right to access education and in the direct link between good attendance and positive outcomes. Experts in all aspects of raising attendance, CSAWS are also are pleased to offer Supervision, Training and Individual and Group Work options tailored to any provision via CSAWS Consultancy.

Attendance Packages
CSAWS offer effective flexible tailor-made packages to schools and settings that will help reduce the number of persistent absent pupils and improve whole school attendance. We believe that through attending school every day on time children and young people will get the best possible start in life. There are clear links between attendance and attainment, raising standards, fulfilling potential and safeguarding.
We offer direct casework with children, young people and their families using the assessment skills, knowledge and strategies developed through our professional lives to understand the barriers to school attendnce, challenge parentally condoned absence, promote and secure school attendance.
Strategic Packages
“Central to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated – pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school”.
CSAWS offer a range of strategic advice and support that can be put together in tailor-made packages for schools to support staff in effectively promoting school attendance, developing a consistent escalating approached to improving attendance at individual, group and whole school levels. We have many years experience and expertise in attendance legislation, attendance analysis, developing processes and procedures, effective interventions.